3M to 2N gearbox?

Hier geht es um die Technik des Passat/Santana Typ 32/33 und 32B
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Registriert: Do 20. Nov 2008, 13:29

3M to 2N gearbox?

Beitrag von Zollie »


I put a CY engine in my 1982 passat 2-door.

I changed the gearbox from 3M to 2N, so the ratios are better for a lighter car ;) Can I keep the same speedometer in the car? Will it show the actual speed, or will it be different??

ergo: Is a 1800 speedo different from a D/TD speedo?
32b: Coupe TD, Coupe D, Kombi TD, Kombi 1900 D
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Registriert: Di 22. Jan 2008, 21:44
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Re: 3M to 2N gearbox?

Beitrag von Roman »

Zollie hat geschrieben:ergo: Is a 1800 speedo different from a D/TD speedo?
No,all 4 Cylinder Front wheel drive have the same speedo.
Only 5 Cylinder and syncros have a different speedo.

Passat SRH GLX '87 DS Automatik, Kalaharibeige metallic
Passat SRH GT '87 KX, Tornadorot
Passat SRH LX '80 FY, 2-Türig, Inarisilber
Alltagsfahrzeug: BMW 320i E46 Steptronic
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Beiträge: 109
Registriert: Do 20. Nov 2008, 13:29

Re: 3M to 2N gearbox?

Beitrag von Zollie »

okay thanks
32b: Coupe TD, Coupe D, Kombi TD, Kombi 1900 D